Usage Instructions:
Follow these instructions if you want to annotate your project and import it as a library.
- Download the latest stable release with dependencies from
- Include the Jar file in your project using Maven, or add it to the classpath
- Identify the classes you want to include in the workflow designer and annotate the classes and variables with annotations from the Workflow Designer library.
- Export your project as a jar with dependencies, Use Maven-shader plugin if you need extensive environment resource support.
- Clone and run the project
- Go to localhost:8680
- Upload the Jar files with the package name you want to search for reflections and submit
- Right Click on the canvas, a menu popups up with the detected blocks and use them to draw
- Join blocks using your pointer
- Click on Schedule workflow to run the workflow.
Build from Soure:
Use these instructions to setup the project locally and start contributing.
- Clone and build the project
- Use mvn install to install the workflow_designer (annotations) library to your local maven repository
- Clone and build the project
- Configure your settings by copying the into and add your own settings.
- Use mvn package to build the project and mvn jetty:start to start the Jetty server.
Build using Docker
- Create a folder by the name “config” and add all configuration files to it. Make sure to include a copy of into the folder
- Get a copy of the Dockerfile in the same location as the config folder
- To Build Docker Image: ‘docker build –no-cache -t workflow_designer/ server .’
- The ‘.’ at the end passes the current context to docker and is important to copy config files
- To Run: ‘docker run -ti -p8680:8680 workflow_designer/server’
Running Workflow Examples
- Clone and build the project
- This project has 3 sample projects with the WorkflowDesigner Annotations that you can run on the server.
- To run any of these projects, run mvn package on the project you wish to run.
- This should create the jar-with-dependencies artefact in the target folder.
- The default port for the Jetty server is 8680, open localhost:8680 in a browser.
- At the bottom of the screen use the browser button to browse for the jar with dependencies.
- In the package text box enter the package to search for annotations.
- Click submit.
- Once the file is uploaded, use the right mouse click in the canvas region.
- The blocks detected from the jar will be available in the menu segregated by family.
- Choose a block type to create a block
- Draw lines between the output and input parameters of blocks.
- Use the first button on the top right to change the property values.
- You can also open/save a workflow using the buttons provided.
- Once all inputs are configured, Click on Schedule Workflow.
- The outputs produced by each block should be available on the block itself.